Professional career

  • · 1977-1980 various student assistantships
    · 1980-1981 RUU (University of Utrecht), development simulation model nutrient cycling in dry heathland ecosystems.
    · 1981-1985 UL (University of Leiden), PhD position (parttime 0,5)>
    · 1984-1987 UL, external BION-funding (parttime 0,5)
    · 1987-1989 UL, UD (assistent professor (parttime 0,5)
    · 1989-1996 UL, UD (assistent professor (parttime 0,8)
    · 1996- present UL UHD (associate professor (parttime 0,8)
    I’m presently Director of Education and section leader of Plant Ecology at the Institute of Biology Leiden IBL. The section has three research themes 1. Evolution of plant life histories 2. Evolution of plant defence systems and 3. plant-microbial interactions

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